Handbook Policies Related to Administration of Schools


The information contained in this section is a brief description of the most referenced policies, procedures and practices within Metro Nashville Public Schools. The information included does not describe policies in their entirety. Full policies can be viewed at www.mnps.org/policies-and-procedures. For questions or help, contact the Family Information Center at (615) 259-INFO (4636).


District Governance and the MNPS Board of Public Education

MNPS is governed by the MNPS Board of Public Education. The Board of Education hires a director of schools to ensure all state, federal and local laws and regulations governing local schools are upheld. Funding for the district's operating and capital budgets is approved by the Metro Council.

The Board of Education authorizes the director of schools to establish all of the operating procedures and protocols within the school district. Members of the director's executive leadership team (ELT) sponsor procedures applicable to their division. The director of schools is ultimately responsible for approving the district's operating procedures. These are reviewed regularly and are subject to change throughout the school year.

The Board of Education develops and approves the policies that govern the operation of the school district.

Board meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. Persons who would like to request to publicly address the Board of Education at a board meeting should submit the request using the sign-up form at: www.mnps.org/board-of-education.

Board meeting minutes are posted online. More information about the Board of Education and its members can be found at: www.mnps.org/board-of-education.

For questions concerning appearing before the Board of Education, call 615-259-8487.




Related Policy or Procedure

Advertising and
Distribution of Materials

Materials distributed at schools from outside agencies must first be approved by the school principal and/or the communications department.

Policy 1.806

Attendance and Truancy

Tennessee law requires children ages 6 through 17 attend school. Attending school daily helps students succeed academically. Missing school leads to difficulties for a student academically, socially and emotionally. Learn more about why attendance matters—for all students, every day.


Child Abuse and Neglect

The district has put policies in place to ensure the safety of each child in our care. MNPS faculty and staff are mandated by law to report any suspicion of abuse or neglect to either the Tennessee Department of Children's Services and/or the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department. If suspicion of abuse or neglect occurs after MNPS school hours, weekends and/or holidays, please notify and report suspicions to MNPD and request a well-being check be conducted at the child's/student's residence.

Policy 6.409

Communicable Diseases

If a student currently has or has been exposed to certain communicable diseases, that student should not attend school for the amount of time that is determined by the Metro Health Department.

Policy 6.403

Procedure 6.400.6p


Parents should contact the teacher and school principal to resolve any complaints or concerns before filing a formal complaint with the Family Information Center, 615-259-4636. Interpretation services are available for families.

Policy 6.305

Disruptive Parents, Guardians and Other Visitors

Parents, guardians and other visitors whose conduct disrupts the safe and orderly operations of school facilities, in the reasonable judgment of authorized school personnel, may be required to obtain permission to be on school facilities or may be banned (zero tolerance) from MNPS facilities.

When the school is on lock down due to a security or weather-related issue, the first priority is the safety of staff and students. Parents or other visitors to the building must follow school emergency procedures under the direction of school staff until the lock down is lifted. During a security lock down, no one is permitted to enter the building from the outside. In weather-related lock downs, schools may allow those outside to seek shelter indoors until it becomes necessary for staff to take shelter.

Policy 1.501

Policy 6.600

Dress Code

Policy 6.310

Eligibility for Athletics

Eligibility for athletic participation in MNPS is governed by the Tennessee Secondary Schools Athletic Association (TSSAA), district policy and Middle School Athletic By-Laws. Students who withdraw from a school of choice will lose athletic eligibility for one calendar year, subject to TSSAA decisions. Students must submit required documentation to the school office prior to participating in athletic programs and practices.

Family Life and Sexual Education

The district has established a policy in accordance with state and federal laws which governs the teaching of topics such as abstinence, reproduction, HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, and contraception. For students to participate in such courses where sexual issues are discussed, parents must sign a permission form indicating they have consented for their student to participate.

Policy 4.213

Procedure 4.213

Fee Waivers

The school may assess board-approved fees for laboratory and classroom materials. Fees may be waived for students who qualify for free/reduced lunch.


Field Trips

Students must obtain permission to participate in school-related field trips.

Policy 4.302

HIPAA Privacy

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy Rule allows covered health care providers to disclose Protected Health Information (PHI) about students to school nurses, physicians or other health care providers for treatment purposes, without the authorization of the student or student's parent. For example, a student's primary care physician may discuss the student's medication and other health care needs with a school nurse who will administer the student's medication and provide care to the student while the student is at school. In addition, a covered health care provider may disclose proof of a student's immunizations directly to a school nurse or other person designated by the school to receive immunization records if the school is required by state or other law to have such proof prior to admitting the student and a parent, guardian, or other person acting in loco parentis has agreed to the disclosure. See 45 CFR 164.512(b)(1)(vi).


Parent Involvement

MNPS recognizes the value and importance of meaningful, two-way parental involvement at the school and district level. Parents are invited as partners in helping all students acquire necessary knowledge and skills without regard to the parent or family's race, religion, creed, gender, socioeconomic status, physical impairment or age. Interpretation services will be provided if needed.

Policy 4.502

Personal Communication Devices and Electronic Devices

Policy 6.312

Student Wellness

The district has a wellness policy (in accordance with federal law) that includes physical activity and food services on school property.

Policy 6.411

Student Records

Student records may be accessed by a student's legal guardian upon request. Students over the age of 18 may also request their own records. Confidential student information is always protected under FERPA and only released with the parents' approval.

Policy 6.600

Substance Abuse

MNPS maintains a supportive atmosphere for those students seeking to get treatment for substance abuse issues. Parents who suspect their student is dealing with substance abuse issues should contact the Office of Drug Education at (615) 259-8683.


Technology and
Acceptable Use

Any parents wishing to restrict their student's access to the internet and network are required to complete and sign the Technology Opt-Out form, located online at: www.mnps.org/handbook. Failure to complete and sign the Technology Opt-Out form will serve as an indication that your student has permission to access the internet and the district's network.

The use of technology resources by students, staff members or visitors to MNPS is a privilege and is subject to all applicable state and federal laws and policies of the district. Students are responsible for their ethical and educational use of the computer online services in the district.

All MNPS technology resources and all information processed by, created on or transmitted through MNPS technology resources are subject to the provisions of applicable Public Records laws. At no time should there be an expectation of privacy by students, staff or contractors while utilizing any MNPS technology resource, any MNPS network, stand-alone system or other device. The district reserves the right to examine, at its sole discretion, any information originating on, accessed by or processed through MNPS-owned computers, networks or other information system components. This examination may occur with or without the user's prior knowledge and may be conducted in real time or by examining access history and/or related files.

MNPS may monitor a user's internet, online services and/ or email activity when there is a legitimate business or technical need to do so. MNPS users will not engage in unacceptable use of technology resources.

Alleged violations involving student use should be reported to the teacher who was supervising the student at the time of the alleged offense. The teacher or staff person will report the alleged violation to the principal, who will investigate the incident, with appropriate input from the Information Technology department. If after the investigation there is a reasonable certainty that a violation actually occurred, the principal will impose sanctions, which may include limiting or suspending a student's internet privileges. Serious or repeated violations of internet, online services and/or email use could result in permanent loss of internet, online services and/or email privileges, and other disciplinary action consistent with the Student-Parent Handbook. If a student's misuse of internet, online services and/or email is in violation of the law, such misuse shall be reported to the appropriate authorities and could be punished as a criminal offense.

Personal blogging, tweeting, texting and personal usage of social media sites (such as, but not limited to, Twitter and Facebook) is not permitted without the express approval of the instructional staff for the course(s) in which a student is enrolled. Further, students are prohibited from posting, using MNPS resources to any internet site outside the official MNPS network, or through any electronic media, any material that identifies students or provides any information that would be considered confidential according to FERPA or the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA).


MNPS Transportation Services and our caring and highly trained team are an extension of the school day. Much like educators on wheels, these team members help support learning outside of the classroom. Safety is the top priority for MNPS, and Transportation Services continuously strives to efficiently maximize resources and securely transport all of our students to and from school and school activities.

School Bus Services

Transportation services are available based on eligibility criteria provided by the State of Tennessee Code. See more here.

Students who choose not to attend their zoned school, are removed for disciplinary reasons, or have been expelled from school are typically not eligible for transportation. Students with disabilities may be entitled to additional transportation services as identified in their Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Additionally, some Pre-K students may be entitled to additional transportation services.

Responses to Student Behavior on the Bus

When students have behavioral challenges on the bus, the driver will utilize the following responses:

  • Periodically remind all students on the bus about the behavioral expectations.
  • Have a restorative conversation with the student, inviting the student to repair the harm of their behavior
  • Next, change the student's seat.
  • Then, call the student's parent.

If the above responses are ineffective in teaching new behavior, the driver will submit a discipline referral to the student's school, documenting all interventions tried prior to submitting the referral. The parent and Transportation department will also receive copies of the referral. The school administrator may assign a bus suspension or other disciplinary action as appropriate. The administrator may also request a conference with the parent and Transportation. The school will notify the Transportation Supervisor of the actions taken. The Transportation Supervisor will relay that information to the driver.

Bus Suspension The student is suspended from the bus for a specified period of time by the local school administrator. The student is expected to attend school, but the parents are responsible for providing transportation to and from school.

Policy 3.401

Policy 6.308

Policy 3.400

Transportation of Students to Medical Facilities

If an emergency involving injury occurs at an MNPS campus, 911 will be immediately called. Emergency personnel will make the determination of whether to transport the student to a medical facility. Every effort will be made to contact the student's parent or guardian; however, if the parent or guardian cannot be reached, the student will still be transported. MNPS is not responsible for costs associated with emergency transport.

Procedure 6.400.3p


View all MNPS policies on the Tennessee School Boards Association website.
MNPS Policies
View all MNPS administrative procedures.
MNPS Procedures